May has been a busy month: I acted in a play, a commercial, had lots of auditions and then Food Ball Premiere aired!
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night turned out to be the most successful show Class 6 Theatre has had at the Mesa Arts Center. We had really nice houses on the closing weekend. I enjoyed playing the churlish servant, Malvolio. I got to wear yellow stockings with purple fishnets. It was quite un-sexy, and just right for the play directed by Keath Hall who included lots of crazy slapstick moments all starting with a sinking miniature Titanic underscored by me playing the movie theme on the violin.
May 23rd was a big day.

Twelfth Night in the evening and at 4:00 PM the first episode of Food Ball, the ultimate teen cooking competition, aired on AZ TV 7 / Cable 13 in Arizona. Food Ball has been a joy to be a part of and our premiere party, hosted by producer Margaret Clark at Gabriel Garfio’s Sunnyside Breadfast Lounge, was a lot of fun for cast, crew and contestants. The first episode aired and was recieved with cheers and laughter. Food Ball will run for 20 week through the fall on AZ TV at 4PM on Saturdays.
I also booked a commercial for Chi Chi’s Brand AmeriMexican food. It was a fun shoot and will run on the web so I hope to post links here.
Fun month! Of course, May also means auditions for local valley theatre companies. So I’ve got to get back to memorizing monologues!!